Truth is the only thing that satisfies.
It abates the seeking.
It stops the wondering.
It eliminates uncertainty and restores
faith, trust and most important of all… Love,
as the motivator of our activity.
God is a Revelator, not a Creator.
It reveals as all-encompassing Silence reveals… what already IS,
plain and clear, with no ambiguity, nothing to discuss
or reason out, just laid bare, for our
acceptance or rejection.
For what is true right Now, is eternally true.
Can you see it? Can you hear it? Can you feel it?
Mad Truth loved you into expression
and for this, we leave the reason and safety of the senses to trod the secret path of Light into the Unknown, until it opens up as Eternal Life,
the Real, as the ultimate fulfillment… Beauty itself
and what more could One want?
The lies, that lead us to dusty dead ends, and stagnation
are left,
and the Truth is taken with a renewed inner strength and commitment
only acquired, through the surrender of what the Heart does not feel.
There is no greater honor than to allow yourself to cast aside,
what does not satisfy…
to demand Beauty at every turn,
to allow the soft parade of images in time to be strung together
into One Eternal Experience.
Awake! Awake to where you are doing from!
Are you caught in the machine of cosmic mind telling you what to do?
And be still, and Listen…
The Infinite or the infinitesimal – Truth never measures -
any choice is made for eternity.
Awake! Awake… you who have thought you were dreaming…
Mad Truth loved you into expression.
Would you deny Her?