The Follow-Through

Life won’t let us get comfortable, get satisfied.

And whether we are comfortable with it or not, we are all on a divine trajectory of expansion, purification, deepening… until every last shred of limited, human concept is sifted out so that we actually live truly, authentically, divinely as the actual Image and Likeness of God. And this includes what we may have been taught by religion, any religion.

This is no small feat, and it takes a fierce, total surrender to Love Itself, that was born when we received the Holy Kiss and devoted ourselves to being what we are.

Now many of us speak, and say we know Truth, but do not follow through – do you?

Do you say the words, convince yourself that you believe them and then not follow through?

It is the follow-through that signifies what you have accepted. If the words come from the revelation of your Heart, they will show up in your action. Your actions reveal the words that are in your Heart. If you do not follow through, your conviction of Truth has not taken root. If you notice that you are consistently making statements of Truth repeatedly, as if trying to remind yourself, that should tell you that you have not gone all the way.

The one who is living this, is not making statements – no words are necessary once you have really, fully, unreservedly and uncompromisingly accepted that You are omnipresent Universal Light.


“Those who know don’t talk. Those who talk don’t know.” ~Lao Tse

“Stop, stop. Do not speak. The ultimate truth is not even to think.” ~Buddha

“There is only the enchantment of this Eternal Moment - thinking, breaks the spell.” ~Morning Muse 1/28/13

“Reach out and take my hand, I Am Here
I will help you
I will show you how
to come through the fire unscathed.
But I will also show you how the fire is necessary to purify
that you may see the Radiance all around you.
You must surrender at a level you’re not used to
and be calm
with the uncomfortable, the unfamiliar, the untried.
Your difficulties pursue you because
you are still treading water,
and not swimming out into the deep.

We are meant to explore our boundless Life
by staying aligned with the Infinite…
by risking to live in our permanent invisible Body.
THIS is your Glory, your Power, your Revelation.
Come unto Me,
not as a concept,
but as the Living Truth of God that You Are
Then stay with it until it moves you
Faithfully, into Action.
Reach out and take my hand, I Am Here.” ~Morning Muse 1/15/23
