You Are Being Called

Silence on Sunday contemplation

March 22, 2020


My Peace, I give unto Thee... there is only one "My" - there is only One Peace. We are giving to ourselves, not as a person, but as Presence, as Infinite Omnipresence, Itself.

Yes, we are being called, because Grace has bestowed upon us, the Truth, to look directly at this or any other "crisis" and See the Face of God... because that is what is really Here. We are being asked to transcend, to transmute, to translate, to transition... as a humanity, we are being called to let go of our old ways of thinking, feeling and doing - whatever that means for us, no matter how high in Consciousness we think we are, we must step up, and, being true to our highest revelation, act. We are in-volving into a New Species - the Christ Child is being born through us and these are our labor pains...

Maintaining the allness and only-ness of the perfection of Life as Spirit, not matter, is about not accepting the lie. It is impossible for both Spirit and matter to co-exist and so we must choose and choose again, and choose again, until it is embedded in our Consciousness.

We are the ones who cannot afford to be spiritually complacent, or to spiritually by-pass... therefore, we must not buy what world mind is trying so desperately to sell us, using our trusted authorities and even some of our "spiritual" teachers to test us, to tempt us into straying, into not being steadfast... An illusion is not real, a dream is not real, except to the dreamer - if God is all, then there is only one power, not two!

it's not enough to trust, to have faith - we have to act on it... saying NO because we Know, Heaven is right here and all is always well.

We start by not denying the appearances of the world, coming to us as suggestion of contagion, disease, lack, limitation, including our feelings and any emotions that arise, we feel them fully, so they can be allowed to pass through, while recognizing them for what they are: accumulated thought and concept, ACCEPTED.

Be not afraid, it is I... Right where the illusion of disease, lack and limitation seems to be, is the Reality of wholeness, abundance and infinity... behind the media, behind the government, the scientific community, the medical industry, the educators... the I in the midst of You, is always there invisibly, permanently, protecting and sustaining, but only as we are consciously aware of It.
It speaks, as Light, Its own language, It speaks to the Heart, as the One Heart... this is what has been missing, the awareness of our True Identity, the missing piece that not enough of us are talking about,... and it is recognized through the Silence of the false identity, a separate me, that would do anything...of itself.

Only infinite intelligence can govern a universe...

So we let this Thing that we have so many names for, but that can never be named... use US...

We go into our closet, shutting out the world, and after establishing our Oneness and our everywhereness, with our Father, our Source and all form and Life everywhere, we come out...

It's all about our Perception... even if every voice we hear is believing and proclaiming the lie, we must stand in the Truth, for we are always Cause and we are always at zero-point. The words we choose to use to describe what's happening in the world, whether spoken or thought, has a direct impact on how we experience what's happening in that world. We can choose to call this "crisis" an opportunity, an opportunity to slow tune in...and to be Here, (which is Everywhere) Now...Present, with a deeper awareness of what really matters, to really tilt this paradigm shift, living more fully, more consciously, than ever before... in the higher dimensions of Love, Appreciation, Compassion, Gratitude, Oneness, and Unity, where we see our Perfect, One Self, as It truly is, where we recognize our Self, behind every, single, form, seeing through the nothingness, of the veils and masks... and Now, as the turbulence of the mind is abating, we can see and remember so clearly how we, put them there... the Truth has been right Here, all along, we were just blinded by our false identification, the ignorance and prejudice of the senses... but now that we Know, the secrets are being revealed...

One is, that we must do this with everything and everyone, even the most vile and evil appearance, is still only a mirage... the fear of that darkness will dissolve as our Love shines with radiant understanding,..

Another secret, is in our surrender... as the Infinite to the Infinite... letting It work Its magic and Its miracles.

What I see, has come through me... so the more that each of us chooses to see the Good in every situation, the more our visible experience will reflect it...
There is a critical mass, a tipping point that can be achieved when awake souls, with intention and focus, regularly come together in meditation. In the bible, it's ten righteous men can save a city. In quantum physics it's called, a coherent field effect of consciousness... relative truths yes, but ones that may be helpful to know.

Now... allowing the words to all fall away, let us be still, in the Silence that holds it all...