Only You
Dim lights and a weary face
What I sought in time
Forgot me today
What I thought was mine
Was only a ship passing
In the night…
Living from the outside in
I was
So sure
Time would never end
And so sure
The words would come
But they weren’t needed…
What I thought I’d lost
Is seeking Me…
Already seated
On my white horse, ready
And quiet in my high tower
Of constancy.
I dare not, dare not, be contrived
The years I thought had gone by
Never were
Only You, my Love of Love
Only You, below and above
Traces of shadow…
Never fear
Only You are here
Pointing fingers at the moon
But patience waits for the
Silent bridegroom
Who comes in the night…
To an empty chamber of Light.
Softly keeping
My heart open wide
Quiet weeping
Is only the tide coming in
And revealing, that I
Never forgot…
Before the World
The Infinity of a
Deep blue sky
Before the
Marketplace of days,
Before our grip on the treasures
That keep our faith;
Come in Here
Here is Everywhere, and
Now is Always
The clock strikes
Let time escape
The Silence even, is
Come in Here,
Before thoughts
That persist like the waves
Here is Everywhere, and
Now is Always
This Light
Understand this -
It comes in waves
This Light.
We ride it
Not realizing
We’re invisible
Not realizing
How fully perfect
It is
As we glow
In gratitude
For the Pulse that
Moves it all
In a steady, soft, spiral
Of Love
An Eternal Love that means
This moment will cease being
A memory
Ready on the lips
Of its betrayer.
More honest than a smile
These waves of Light
Erase our footprints
And even the shadows
That hold the impressions,
For when standing as
The Light, on a celestial Shore,
We know, our eyes are never really
Watching the sunset, and
We know, our feet are never really
Touching the sand.
It Doesn’t Matter
It doesn’t matter, what your name is
Or what you call Me.
It doesn’t matter, if you swam with the current
Or against it.
It doesn’t matter how often you sought Me out
Or cussed Me out
For I am your ever-abiding.
I am your ever-watching, ever-knowing, ever-doing Essence.
What matters, is that you give your obeyance to
The still small voice inside you
For if you really listen, It will
Be as 10,000 trumpets, blasting out the discordant voices that tell you
You can’t - you shouldn’t - you won’t.
I know who you are (my beloved)
And that is
All that matters.
That is What You Are
The One who asks no questions.
Who, beyond right and wrong
Allows themselves to be directed
By the compass of their deepest longing,
Not just for love,
But the beauty itself, of
The thing stripped naked of
Color, and form, and the known.
You, are what is left after everything has been forgotten
And the ancient and the evermore have disappeared
As if they never happened or were longed for
Pressed bravely into this moment.
You, are the Silence, invisibly thundering
In a cloud of unknowing
Sheltering the light of
Pure awareness, that
Dawns like a single sun,
Burning off the fragments of the
Paradoxes, that fill your
Imaginary life.
The Seeker
With no will to crawl towards
The sanctuary of Silence
The seeker crawls instead
Into the coffin of his desires,
Into a womb of belief
Where only darkness can emerge.
And in the fog of forgetting,
There is no clear reflection
And no paraffin for fire;
Nothing but a wordless mind wandering,
Hesitating to speak.
And his frantic eyes that pull
The curtain
Of heavy raiment down,
See only what isn’t there.
The Truths that whisper
And hide between the folds
Remain unseen and unheard.
Blinded by the seeming
Density of lies
He forgives himself
For daring to imagine
That it is really
A thin veil of ignorance
That separates him from
And he closes his eyes
Wondering if it’s death
That frightens him
As much as
Come Back
Come back, come back to where the water’s flow is infinite, clear
Where the light is more brilliant than a thousand suns, yet never burns
Where Love is so great and warm, there’s never a wound to heal
For there is never any separation.
Come back to where there are no memories,
Where the music lives and breathes, and notes hang on forever…
In a simple yet intricate harmony, that can never be explained.
Come back – I’ve been calling you,
You, my Love
Because you are my very Essence,
And I am your Freedom -
Beyond Beauty, Peace and Righteousness.