Transcendence from the Silence

Another recent exchange I had with one in our community whom I have been working with, and who was on Sunday’s Silence on Sunday group telecall. I am moved to share, as I feel there are others who may be having similar experiences.


Dear Octavia,

During today's meditation I was overcome with intense grief, feelings of abandonment. I could see family, friends walk away from me.

I AM came to me, but these feelings continue. Do you have any thoughts or suggestions?




That's because you were still, and in a powerful opening of Light, and so these concepts of darkness were allowed to come up... to test you and then to be released. Let them be...

Don't try to think about them or analyze them - they have NOTHING to do with you!

I AM is all there is - these feelings are your sense of mortality dying off, AND it is very likely, Spirit showing you that there is no Life in form. What you have considered your visible loved ones are just mental images. Spirit is trying to get you to let go of the attachment to those images and acknowledge only their Essence which is your Essence. Nothing can ever abandon us when we are ALL!

Our focus of attention should always be inward, recognizing and accepting that only our true nature (and that of our loved ones) is ONLY incorporeal, spiritual, without the labels of family and friends.

The grief is the ego, false sense of self (that you have been until now, identifying with very strongly), knowing its demise - again, it is not your grief. it is completely impersonal, belonging only to the sense of world mind that has still been entertained in the belief in separation. 

Hope this helps. Let me know if you need further clarification or have any questions.
It's all ok, if you just let it be, and look at the experience as a beautiful example of divine direction.




Thank you so very much Octavia. It helps immensely. I am forever grateful for your guidance and support.  




It is the impersonal partnership that I am forever grateful for - the opportunity to work together in dedication and devotion to our Source.