The Doer of the Impossible


April 18, 2021

We are told that God is the doer of the impossible… and every time you pray, you have reached the impossible in your life. When you pray, you don’t ask, you believe, period, that’s as far as you can go… Instead of allowing the impossible thing to pass out from within… by recognizing that God is the doer of the impossible, we still work with it and try to make God do our bidding, and it is utterly worthless… for the moment you recognize the Presence, there’s nothing more you can do with it – God is the doer of the impossible and One with God is a majority… and it is magnificent.

My Ways are above your ways, that is the Law, but because you say it, that does not make it so. It’s already so, but that does not make it operative, even if you say it, until you become a thing in operation. And you can’t become that until, like a drop of water, you lose the perimeter, of Jane or John…

God is the doer of the impossible… can you hear? I’m not talking about the things you think are possible, for what is known has been washed up on the shore of our experience, and starts to decompose the moment it does. I’m talking about the miracles that will start to take place with the same ease as the evil that has appeared in your life… they will come in without any effort on your part.

You let the evil, the error come in, you let it, you even expect it… or, you fight it… which makes it real, because you cannot fight nothing.

We are told, that “every avenue in this world is cut off to one, who really wants the things of God. You cannot seek them in this world, but as long as you continue to, you are rejecting the enduring Reality of Being. There’s only one way to seek them, and it’s not in human dimensions.”

You have wandered… and asked and demanded and called upon God, “Why has this thing come upon me?” But you’re still asking questions, cause you do not realize that if you could stop this, and make the recognition of the Presence… here, there and everywhere, and have that established in your consciousness, that God is the doer of the impossible, you would not then be frustrated.

Today, the whole world is in a state of frustration. It is wonderful, that you, in some way, have touched upon this Law. And if you follow through, it will develop in you and come to a higher point.

He said, go in and shut the door…

You can plant a seed but you cannot make it grow… you drop it into the ground… and Let… when you go in and shut the door, you close out the human thought, and the sense impressions, and like a child, listen… like you have never listened before, and in this Oneness, like a drop of water absent of any perimeter, you Hear the annunciation of You – the unborn You, in the image and likeness of God, coming back into Its Own. Then, You behold…

And it is the seeming failure of the thing, that brings you to surrender… what the world has told you is incurable, is pointless, that is the point where the doer of the impossible, comes in… so you open, and It comes in – the two become One… when the Spirit and flesh become One, the invisible has stepped down into visibility and the Substance is Divine.

Prayer, true prayer which is recognition, will change the face of the earth, will seem to alter the tide and the currents… if you will look for nothing. When you pray, you accept… period, that’s all you do, and having done the work, you will stand… and see the salvation of the Lord, you will look past the pandemic, the vaccine, the masks, the restrictions, the limitation, the division, the unconsciousness, the ridiculousness… and you will start to see what is really there… You will see the miraculous take place right in your life, no matter what has been, nor, for how “long” it has seemed to have been, but not if you look for signs, for that is the admittance that Perfection is not really there… It doesn’t even have to come from invisibility and go into visibility (for that would require time). It is already here visible and tangible underneath the cloak of our forgetfulness – anything else is a lie.

Before you ask, I will answer… because that is what makes you ask. It is sitting there, awaiting your recognition. We are beginning to see, the incredible nature of this Law, this revelation… that we are given from on high. No matter how long we’ve been at this, no matter what we have realized, studied, or not, the moment we recognize the Presence, the manifestation occurs. But we dare not linger in that manifestation, nor try to reason it out, account for it in any way, for the moment it comes in, it is already on its way out.

We dare not focus on the visible.

The contact with this universal power, causes you to see That Which Is. In your hypnotism you have thought that you could create, and co-create, and help God, but finally you discover that you are here for the purpose of showing forth That Which Already Is.

When you pray, believe that you receive… (meaning to accept) because it is already yours. You either hear this, or you do not, you either accept that it is finished or you try to reason it out, But one day you will stop trying, and you will let… but do not let yourself slouch down into the mirky ambiguity of human belief… You have the integrity to let it be fulfilled without question, without doubt… remaining in this Oneness, through recognition… is ALL, then you see the results… you are new, and that newness has always been here, fresh and alive, perfectly and completely, Present. You are revealed as a new Creature of Christ Consciousness.

Yes, God is the doer of the impossible, and you are blending as a drop of water in the ocean to be One, to be the Majority… Can you hear? Can you hear? Are you listening? When you actually hear, the Law, it goes into action  - it does fantastic and weird and strange things… when you have ears to hear. You do none of it. Your computer problem resolves itself, your phone problem, your car, your relationship problem, your health problems all resolve themselves. They can’t be sustained in a Consciousness full of Truth.

So You can relax, but you don’t go to sleep again and drop back into the dream. You stay awake and alert, because you can’t afford to ride on the wings of a win... You must be the Bird, who cares only for the flight itself, not where it came from, nor where it is going…

The Truth is given to the Child, the Child in Consciousness who can accept, without equivocation and without trying to make things happen. If you were paralyzed, and heard the command to rise up and walk, unthinkingly, you would rise up and walk… for who can by taking thought, do anything? Reason and logic… cannot accomplish anything ultimately, but failure. The power of God operates you instead of you operating It. You are not a robot, but that point of expression, of a power so wonderful, that nothing is impossible to it. But… you must go in, and shut the door, and relax… to a point of letting go of all concepts.

Desire isn’t a bad thing, it’s our interpretation of it that gets in the way of having what we want.

There is a Force moving through you… this is not symbolism, it is literal… It is an infinite Force, and it searches the joints and the marrow and quietly and unexplainably… and all the pain and sorrow gives way and a great influx of Life, of Light… enters in and flows out… for this, right Here right now, as you listen to my voice, is… is… Life Eternal.. It is Light… and if you cannot hear this invitation, you will try to turn the stones into bread - you will not Let, and you must surrender all you have been told, and all you have learned. This requires contemplation…. This requires quiet… this requires such a recognition within you, that the very perimeter of your body and affairs gives way, and you are One with the Infinite… when you let the divine flow through, It will neutralize every evil thing that comes into your Presence, if it comes nigh your dwelling at all…

All things are possible to this Magnificence… it shoots forth like a geyser hundreds of feet into the air, and then retreats… back into the Silence…

The winter has passed, the rains are over and gone… and you have arrived by a way you knew not of, and you are at a different level, so to speak, and you begin to see the naturalness of this Law… to hear the Song of the Soul, and as you listen, you realize it is singing your Song… and when you can take It, and let It be what It wants to be, It will show you the Kingdom in which you live, right here and now.

Be still, be very still… very still… awaken thou that sleepest and Christ will give thee Light. You have met up with the impossible in your life and you have been given the greatest gift of all. Accept it, take it and show it, don’t know it, but stand aghast at the meadow of your life, now a riot of color, that came out of the nothingness… say nothing, tell no one… forget everything… Be still and see the salvation of the Lord.

(inspired by Walter Lanyon)