To Be Real


May 21, 2023

There’s a Moment here, now


Only This

Unknown, untried, unforged

A stranger to its own eyes, never before…

It has known nothing, nothing that needs to be remembered… or forgotten


Only This

Yes, it’s Alive, yes it is Present, yet I can’t see it, for it is I and it is everywhere present…

And in its Allness, the pure absence of separation… of lack, of limitation, allows it be felt and consciously Known… but in a way that is Real.

So I let it… I let it be Real, this Moment here, now.


I let it Light its Light, I let it Joy its Joy, I let it Love its Love

And I let it Be its Being, the utter simplicity of Be-ing, more and more and more

Until… all that is of interest is the stillness that is its substance,

and the silence that is its serenity.


I don’t need to speak… about it, or anything, and I don’t need to not speak.

I don’t need to think… about Truth, and I don’t need to not think about Truth.

Send in the clowns, and laugh, and dance and sing… I will move with my own rhythm, in a timeless blur of perfection.

I don’t need to persist and I don’t need to insist… I stay gently aware only, of what is softly unfolding, never worrying about what seems to be not yet present… for what would that matter to a Presentness that is everywhere and everywhen?

And if I were to have a passion, it would be to be Real… to know the ever-available peace that is here now, when I am not fighting or fleeing, or trying…

to make all things new - they already are, permanently, invisibly, in a way I cannot understand.

The language of Truth is spoken in implication,

And if there are words, they are as echoes… in an infinite canyon, barely recognized or even discerned. They float by with just enough presence to be seen and just enough audacity to be heard… and they remain only so long as they do not seem to separate.


And I am breathless, and insanely Alive

In this Moment here, now


Only This