The Morning Muse: Mystical Revelations To Live By
By Octavia Williams
This book of spiritual guidance and inspiration, invites the serious seeker to discover not only their divinity, but the Master within. Comprising over 250 statements of Truth revealed through meditation, it provides the missing link to living in the world, actually free of human lacks and limitations, and awakened from the illusion of separation from one’s true Self. It can bring about life-changing results immediately.
The conscious awareness of Truth through one’s own direct experience of Oneness, breaks apart the mental constructs that have been holding beliefs, opinions and ideas in place, controlling life and obscuring the Truth that is within.
"This book is full of timeless wisdom, straight from the Heart. So read and lose yourself in the words and learn to understand and feel and then be able to live your life in Celebration."
~Renate McNay,
“it is both deep and delightful - a rare combination - and a lovely book-companion for the seeker.” ~Non-Duality Press
“The power of short passages.
The Morning Muse is a wonderfully inviting book of brief, but potent, spiritual insights and revelations. You may find yourself pausing on every page because each saying stands on its own--gently directing you to do an about-face and look within at yourself in a new way. You are experiencing who you really are, rather than merely reading about it. Thanks to the book's lovely, easy-on-the-eyes visual presentation, going this deep doesn't feel like the introspective chore it can sometimes be. After just a few passages it becomes clear that a "little limited you" is nowhere to be found. Your True Self is right there, doing the reading--and stays throughout the book. Highly recommended!”
~Peter Francis Dziuban, author of Consciousness Is All and Simply Notice
“Awakening to the One Source Within
Until we see, in our own direct experience, the shining impersonal radiance, peace and joy within us, we will by default continue to seek for it in the illusory world without. The Morning Muse is the rarest of books in that it points directly to the formless source within all beings. Each page carries a pithy sentence or paragraph to remind you of what you already know, but have forgotten. A wonderful book whose timeless truths go far beyond words, directly to the heart of the soul.” ~Michael Jeffreys, organizer, The West Los Angeles Satsang.
“The Morning Muse is filled with gems of wisdom and offers many invitations into the deeper reality of true being. A wonderful companion on the timeless journey to self realization through which you can arrive at the ultimate destination, finding yourself already home.” ~Karen McPhee