Silence on Sunday - Kauai
“Truth without Silence is incomplete
Silence without Truth is impotent“
Every last Sunday at 7pm
in Kapaa, Hawaii
Silence is here and now in this moment. It is full, it is alive. It is always here, within you and all around you. You know this. You have felt this. This Pure Silence is real. Would you like to unveil the mysteries of the Silence, give up the seeking and Just Be?
All that you need, all that you long for, all that you are, is contained in the Silence. It’s where everything comes from and is what allows everything to exist.
Consciousness is high when we come together in Silence, independently sovereign and unique in our individuality yet One in our Essence. Through this powerful activity, we create the opportunity for living out from this Silence, deepening our experience of Reality and opening up to the awareness of the Eternal Now, where past and future and all divisions created by words, thoughts and concepts, drop away.
We allow the transparency of mind that is necessary for the experience and expression of our True Infinite Nature as complete, free and perfect—always.
Please plan to arrive by 6:55pm to give time for settling in.
Some days will start with a few minutes of guided contemplation and sometimes we will go straight into Silence.
DAY: Every last SUNDAY
PLACE: The home of Octavia in Kapahi
CONTACT US through the form below if you have any questions, and to be sent directions to the house if you would like to join us.
This event is FREE, but Love offering contributions are always gratefully accepted and deeply appreciated.