“Truth without Silence is incomplete.
Silence without Truth is impotent.”
Silence on Sunday
First and third Sundays via teleconference call
In these times, the Call is to come together… each being independently sovereign, yet united in the One.
Consciousness is high when two or more are gathered, and through this powerful activity, we create the opportunity for deepening our experience of Oneness and opening up to dimensionless Awareness—being ever more aware of the Eternal Now, where past and future and all divisions created by words, thoughts and concepts, drop away. We allow the transparency of mind that is necessary for the experience and expression of our True Infinite Nature as complete, free and perfect—always.
Silence increases our capacity to discern and experience Truth—the Truth that quiets the mind and is our true teacher. Through the stillness of Silence, the veil of illusion can be lifted, so that it is not the mesmerism of “the dream world” that we see, but the Reality of Being, thus experiencing that deep inner Peace, that Alive, Aware Presence that we are. Not trying to achieve or attain anything, even becoming one with Source, we allow for the transparency of mind that reveals the already evident Oneness of Being Self-existent Here and Now.
Please email (or use the Contact Us form below) to receive the dial-in numbers and other information.
The call starts with a short guided contemplation followed by about 30 - 45 minutes of Silence, and ending with a closing statement.
8am Hawaii Time - US
10am Pacific Time - US
11am Mountain Time -US
12pm Central Time - US
1pm Eastern Time - US
5:00 pm - UK
6:00 pm - EU
Click here to coordinate with other time zones
“The only language able to express the whole truth is silence.” —Sri Ramana Maharsh
“The truest communication with God is absolute, total silence.” —Bernadette Roberts
“Yet, the deepest truths are best read between the lines, and, for the most part, refuse to be written.” —Amos Bronson Alcott
“The Thunder of Silence” —Joel Goldsmith
Response from previous Sundays:
“…and we both had the experience of bright light behind our eyes by the end of the session. It was ultra powerful!”
“Today's Contemplation took me deeper into Clarity than I have ever felt before.”
“…I went out for a walk shortly after, and felt a powerful surge of energy at the same time that something had been broken through!! I love the Silence always have and know well that the voice of God activity is there. I have been quite stuck somewhat for awhile..and there was a breakthrough. I am looking forward to the next Silent Sundays.”
“It was quite remarkable ! There is a palpable stillness, like heaven.”
“It was one of the most sacred hours I have ever spent.”
“…The only way I can describe it is as Joel Goldsmith puts it “The Deep Silence of My Peace”. As you said at the end of the session, No one can remain the same after this, one can only go on expanding. Unspeakable gratitude to you and everyone for honoring the Spirit.”
"This afternoon was Life Altering for me!!!"
"It was very powerful, and I could feel the peace of silence filling up my whole house"
"...Within minutes I felt a deep peace, and then I felt I was connected with you and all the other friends. I felt light as air and a sense of being lifted up and also felt a Light coming from my heart that was projecting complete goodness - yet it was a seeing that there was no outsideness - no-one trying to bring peace to others, but simply there was no ‘one’ and no ‘others’ to bring peace to, but that peace is already the case. It was a kind of a deeper expansion into that truth which was resonating in my heart and made me feel so connected to you and the group".