Living Truth Forum
An Adventure in
Unity and Community, Clarification and Confirmation
Fridays via teleconference call
We come together to share conscious conversation within the understanding of Absolute Truth, Infinite and Ultimate Reality.
This gathering is a time for exploration and revelation of the total Truth that must be heard - no more partial, half or incomplete Truth that inevitably leads us down many paths and ultimately to spiritual dead-ends. We are ready!
In this sanctuary of discussion and sharing of experiences and insights (rather than addressing personal issues) the Experience transcends the words as self-revealing Light bringing us the conviction of the Truth of Being, void of time, space, form, or condition as we become increasingly aware of the allness of our God-Self.
Questions or a topic for discussion may be submitted via email (read anonymously) or shared during the call.
Your spiritual curiosity, the fuel for discussion is a powerful way to bring forth the Truth, in Now, as we allow the dialogue to flow as It Will.
Each call begins with brief Silence, moving into a discussion period through questions and answers, sharing and closing Silence.
DAY: FRIDAY, March 7 and 21
TIME: 4pm Pacific US, 7pm Eastern US, 11am (next day) AEDT etc.
Coordinate with other time zones
$75 for two Friday calls + digital recordings. $45 for a single call + digital recording.
A Welcome email will be sent following registration, with instructions for calling in.